
Terms And Condition

Terms and Conditions

Refund Policy

In any occasion, any funds deposited will not be liable for a refund if the initial design and concepts (after delivery) are approved, or a change is asked for unless Logo Sketcherss cancels or ends your Contract for a reason other than your breach or non-execution.

All requests for refund will be as per the following arrangement:

  • You make a solicitation when the underlying ideas for a logo are provided. However once you approve or ask for changes in the initial designs, the refund offer will be void and a request for refund will not be entertained.
  • Once the project has been entered in revision phase, the refund offer will be void and a request for refund will not be entertained.
  • If the client changes their mind and cancels the entire project, they will be entitled to be refunded by 67% of the total amount.
  • On the off chance that demand for refund is made before the delivery of initial design concepts, then you would qualify for a full refund (less 10% administration and preparing charge).
  • If the refund request is made within 48 hours, you will only be eligible for a 66% refund (less 10% administration and preparing expense).
  • If the refund request is made within 48-96 hours after the initial design delivery, you will only be eligible for a 33% refund (less 10% service & processing free).
  • No refund request will be entertained after 96 hours of the initial design delivery. However, we believe in 100% customer satisfaction so you are requested to reach out to us so we can address your concerns.
  • No request for refund will be entertained after inaction by the customer after 7 working days. If you wish to restart the order, you will be charged a certain fee contingent upon your venture.
  • No request for refund will be entertained if the customer goes unresponsive at any point of time for 5 working days.
  • All refund request should be made to the support department. Orbitdesignagency.com reserves the right to approve/reject any and all refund requests based on an individual case to case premise.
  • No refund will be entertained after the final files have been delivered.
  • For Website bundles, no refund will be entertained once the initial design mock up has been revised or the inner pages have been created with client's approval.
  • All requests for refund must be communicated to the support department. Orbitdesignagency.com, in light of the infringement of your user agreement reserves all authority to affirm/object your solicitation on an individual case to case premise.
  • For Logo Sketcherss/Custom bundles, refund will be apply just the same as on the single packages.
  • For instance, in the event that you request for a logo and web design and approve of the logo, you are eligible for the refund of the website service at the time of initial design only.
  • A refund request should have a legitimate reason which must be qualified against the outline brief and client input for revisions. Unless an idea has not been composed as per brief, a refund will not be approved however discount won’t be given however further revisions will be provided until you are satisfied.
  • It is also to be noted that, under any circumstances, both parties (Logo Sketcherss & Client) agree not to attack/criticize each other and any of its employee, associate/s or partner/s publicly (on public forums, blogs, social networks etc.) at any given time during or subsequent to contract period. Similarly both parties agree not to talk on forums, blogs, community groups or any social media in a way which brings bad name to either party or any of its employee, associate or partner. In case of breach, the breaching party would have to pay a reasonable compensation decided by the non-breaching party as damages.
  • Money Back Guarantee depends on that the request is set in accordance with some basic honesty. Where a client has placed design orders with more than one agency for the same job, with the intention of claiming a refund, Logo Sketcherss does not consider this to be good faith. In such instances, we reserve the right to decline a refund request.
  • All design jobs require client input before finishing the design which is why it is requested that the customer is active throughout the process and gives feedback in order to get the required results.
  • 100% unique design guarantee qualifies you for a new logo if the logo designed by Logo Sketcherss is found to be considerably similar to another design that already exists. Any likeness to a current outline will be just a fortuitous event and Logo Sketcherss won’t acknowledge any responsibility or claim of any compensation in such a case. It is the client’s responsibility to get their artwork copyrighted.

By using Logo Sketcherss website, the user hereby agrees to fully comply with this stated set of use of website terms and conditions. If in any case the user does not solely agree and oblige with the stated terms and conditions then one may not use Logo Sketcherss in any of the ways.

This statement of terms and conditions hereby ratifies that Logo Sketcherss, has complete rights and autonomy to revise, change, update or edit this statement of terms and conditions and being a user of Logo Sketcherss it is mandatory to fully comply with these terms of use as the basic set of mutual understanding and consent to use Logo Sketcherss.

For all the stated terms and conditions Logo Sketcherss have a zero level tolerance and both the parties Logo Sketcherss and the User are required to follow and fully comply with these stated terms and conditions respectively. All the activities are carried out by Logo Sketcherss on the mutual understanding that the user has entirely agreed with the use of Logo Sketcherss website terms and conditions.

The logo, Name and Graphics of Logo Sketcherss and its products and services are the trademarks of Logo Sketcherss. All other company names, brand names, trademarks and logos mentioned on the website are the property of their respective owners and do not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation thereof by Logo Sketcherss and do not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation of Logo Sketcherss at all by the respective trademark owners.

All the copyrights are retained by Logo Sketcherss on all of the design work including the entire content, words, pictures, ideas, visuals and illustrations unless anything is specifically released or published publically in writing and after all costs have been settled.

Project Proposal/Manifesto

For service proposal, Logo Sketcherss provides a highly customized and personalized environment for the users to place their project requirement directly through the “Talk to Us” page where users can fill out the project requirements form with great convenience. In order to make the process more authentic and convenient, Logo Sketcherss, has provided all the online and offline contact resources as well through which you can easily communicate with our support team.

Backup and Data Loss

Through this statement of terms and conditions, Logo Sketcherss make it clear that users’ use of the website is solely at their own risk. In any case Logo Sketcherss do not ensure any data loss encountered. Through this statement of terms and conditions, the users of Logo Sketcherss agree to take full responsibility for using the website and the consequences dealt with in.


Being a user of this website You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Logo Sketcherss and the directors, officers, managers, employees and representatives of each of them, for any type of loss, damages or costs, including reasonable lawyers’ fees, resulting from any third party claim, action, or demand related to your name or the use thereof.

This indemnification is in addition to any indemnification required under the Dispute Policy. Logo Sketcherss do not own or attempt to nor want to and will not claim ownership of your provided or shared content.

For Logo Sketcherss, if a user shares one’s website in regard of project proposal or works activity, all the elements on your website is considered a publication of yours and Logo Sketcherss is not considered to be held responsible for anything you present on the web through your domain at all.

All of your logos, Names, Graphics, Design Theme, Brand Names, Trademarks, the Content, Words, Pictures, Images, Ideas, Visuals and Illustrations are all your assets and Logo Sketcherss will not claim the ownership in any way.


Logo Sketcherss in any case shall not be responsible for any type of claimed damages, including incidental and consequential damages, which may arise from Logo Sketcherss’ servers going off-line or being unavailable for any reason whatsoever. In addition, Logo Sketcherss shall not be held responsible for any type of claimed damages resulting from the corruption or deletion of any website from one of Logo Sketcherss’ servers. All damages shall be limited to the immediate termination of your service.

Our expert team will always do their best to keep the entire website run smoothly while having no bugs and glitches ensuring that your web experience is the best when you are on Logo Sketcherss.

Logo Sketcherss disclaim any and all of the loss or liability that results from, but not limited to;

Any type of loss or liability resulting from Logo Sketcherss’ website access delays or website access interruption. Any type of loss or liability that result from Logo Sketcherss website data transfer.

Any type of loss or liability resulting from Logo Sketcherss’ website access delays or website access interruption. Any type of loss or liability that result from Logo Sketcherss website data transfer.

Any type of loss or liability that result from the unauthorized use or misuse of users’ primary information by anyone.

Any type of loss or liability that result from errors, omissions, or misstatements in any and all information or service(s) provided under this agreement.

Any type of loss or liability that result from the deletion of or failure to store email messages.

Any type of loss or liability that result from the users’ inability to use our mail service.

Any type of loss or liability that result from the use of Logo Sketcherss’ mail service. Loss or liability that you may incur in connection with our processing of your application for our services and the website.


Logo Sketcherss shall be the sole arbitrator of what is and is not a violation of these acceptable use terms and conditions. Logo Sketcherss reserves complete rights to update or revise this statement anytime. Logo Sketcherss reserves the right to refuse, cancel, or suspend service at our sole discretion as well.

In cases that any provision of this Agreement of use of website terms and conditions is deemed invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the remainder of this Agreement on terms and conditions by any means. Logo Sketcherss have complete rights and autonomy that it may amend or replace such invalid provision with one that is completely valid and which achieves, to the extent possible, the original objectives and intent of Logo Sketcherss as reflected in the respective original provision.

Logo Sketcherss reserves absolute right to change the use of website terms and conditions without any prior notice or warning. Logo Sketcherss highly recommend its users to review and read this statement of use of website terms and conditions in a timely manner in order to stay up to date with the amendments if made.

This statement of agreement supersedes and governs all prior proposals, agreements, or other communications made to the users of Logo Sketcherss’ website.

Copyrights and Trademarks

By supplying logos, names, graphics, design theme, brand names, trademarks, content, words, pictures, images, ideas, visuals, illustrations, and other data to Logo Sketcherss for inclusion in the customer’s website or other medium, the customer hereby fully declares that such material holds the appropriate copyright and/or trademark permissions. The ownership of such materials will remain with the customer.

Any creative work or artwork, images, or content supplied and/or designed by Logo Sketcherss on behalf of the customer, will remain the property of Logo Sketcherss and/or its suppliers. The customer may request for such rights in writing from Logo Sketcherss, the necessary permission to use such materials (for which Logo Sketcherss holds the copyright) in forms other than for which it was originally supplied, and Logo Sketcherss may, at its discretion, grant it. All types of such permission must be first obtained in writing before it will allow any of the aforesaid creative work or artwork, images, text, or other data to be consumed.

The users agree to fully indemnify and hold Logo Sketcherss free from all types of harm in any and all claims resulting from the customer in first not having obtained all the required copyright, and/or any other necessary permissions or grants.

Predominant Cognizance

This statement of use of website terms and conditions and understanding of Logo Sketcherss and the Users with respect to the subject matter hereof supersedes any and all prior oral or written agreements and understandings, and any and all contemporaneous oral agreements and understandings between the Users and Logo Sketcherss regarding the subject matter of this statement of use of website terms and conditions.

For further information on any query in regard to the stated terms and conditions, or would like to gather any type of information please feel free to contact us at info@logosketchers.com

Go through Clients Feedback


“I needed a professional website as an online storefront for my business, and I was looking for a professional service for web development. While searching through the internet I found Logo Sketcherss and decided to take their services. I am very satisfied with the results as I have a professional looking website to represent my brand. Thanks for amazing services! ”

Jennifer Michele - Project Owner
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“Amazing! Logo Sketcherss have a skilled team of marketers. I have been looking for a digital marketing agency for branding purposes when I learned about the Logo Sketcherss. I’m still astounded with their expeditious results. Looking forward to collaborate again!”

Nate Mason Senior Software Engineer
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“Logo Sketcherss truly provide what they claim! They professionally communicated with me that made me receive the illustrations that I very much admire. Their creatives are especially worth the admiration for creating an inspirational image for my brand. Thank you, Logo Sketcherss!”

Jason Decker Co-founder, Loctea
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“Logo Sketcherss provided me with a great web design. I highly appreciate the customization in the design as per requested. I am glad that I chose to work with the company as they provided me with a website and performance marketing as well. Thanks for great services!”

Nancy Baker Project Owner
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“It was a pleasure working with professionals at the Logo Sketcherss. As their name, they give robust services and are gurus of their respective fields. Outstanding job as always! ”

Luke Wilson Project Owner
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“I worked with the Logo Sketcherss for some time and can vouch for their services. The best I have ever received from any design, web development or marketing agency. Looking forward to collaborate again!”

Tessa William Co-founder
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“Branding was quite difficult for me when I first started my business. Greatest appreciation for Logo Sketcherss as they took the responsibility and challenges of online marketing for my brand. Keep up the amazing work! ”

Jack Brown Ceo, Loctea
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“The professionals at Logo Sketcherss are knowledgeable and highly skilled. I enjoyed collaborating with the team as I got a lot to learn as well. Thank you for the support and productivity. I highly recommend their services! ”

Vanesa Thomson Project Owner
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“Greatest appreciation for Logo Sketcherss and the team for providing an exceptional application for my brand. It is just how I wanted it to be: highly functional and user-friendly. I feel prevailed to have worked for a website that defines innovation and professionalism by giving its best. Highly recommend them! ”

Gabriel White Project Owner
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“Being a beginner in the business world, I contacted Logo Sketcherss for online branding, web designing, and SEO services. Besides of the tight deadline, they delivered a high quality website that was mobile friendly and bug-free. I highly recommend their services for their fast paced services and reliability! ”

Natasha Aniston Project Owner

Cost friendly prices

Providing the best services at budget-friendly prices

We offer service packages that are both pocket-friendly and suitable for any business size. We strive to deliver work that best suits your business needs.

Mobile Apps
Ecommerce Websites

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The Brand Design is committed to excellence and vows to make your experience memorable and
remarkable. Let us help you in standing out and reaching the maximum of your potential.

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